Business Coaching Prep
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After completing these activities, you will have a clear vision and mission statement for your business, annual goals that fit into that bigger picture. Quarterly goals that move you towards your annual goals, and monthly actions that take you to your quarterly goals.
You will have a clear idea of how your business is doing, where it could really move forwards through boosting its strengths and capitalising on opportunities as well as where it needs to deal with weaknesses and threats on the horizon.
These activities will also provide you with time management techniques to practice and apply. When it comes to reviewing actions and progress, it is great to refer back to these tools and techniques to acknowledge how much better you are managing your time or ask yourself what you could do better.
Once you have completed the business coaching preparation programme you are then ready to work with a business coach to assist you at unlocking your potential and achieving your goals!
5About business Vision and Mission
6Visioning Activity
7Newspaper Article - Writing Exercise
8PURPOSE: Why are you in this business? Why do you do what you do?
9WHO: Who do you serve?
10WHAT: What is your "big idea"?
11SPECIAL: What's unique about your business?
12GOALS & MEASURES: What are your goals in running this business?
13My Mission Statement Is
14Business Vision into Action Activity
15In summary, where do you ultimately want your business to get to?
16What would you include or additionally achieve, if there were no obstacles?
17What do you want your business to be doing 10 years from now:
18What do you want your business to be doing 5 years from now?
19What do you want your business to be doing 2 years from now?
20What do you want your business to be doing 1 year from now?
21What do you want your business to be doing 6 months from now?
22What do you want your business to be doing 3 months from now?
23Bring Your Business Vision to the Present Day
24Personal Health: My Work-Life Balance?
25Business Health: Finances
26Advertising, Marketing, Social Media, PR etc.
27Staff and Support Personnel
28Joint Ventures, Affiliations etc.
29Training, Knowledge, Learning
30Technology, Website, Communications
31Other details
32No Obstacles
33What resources do I need to help me?
34Who do I need to Be to achieve this?
35One important change
36The theme for the next 3 months
37Taking Action
383 Steps
39Goals & Measurable Results
40Business Goals
41Secondary Business Goals
46About Goal Setting and Tracking
47Annual Business Goal Planner Activity
48Business Goals Year-at-a-Glance Activity
49Quarterly Goals-at-a-Glance Activity
50Monthly Action Tracker Activity
51SMART Goal-Setting Activity
52Write your SMART Business Goal
53Why I want this goal
54The Benefits
55The BIG Benefit
56The PAIN
57Achieving will HELP me too
58Benefit of NOT completing
59Obstacles to success
60Start Doing
61Stop Doing
62Be someone that is
63Resources Available
64Resources Needed
653 Steps Next Week
663 Steps Next Month
67A Day in Your Life
68Weekly, Daily to Do List & Action Planner Activity
69Key SMART Goal Actions
70Quick Wins
71Filler Tasks
72Delegate or Get Help
73Personal Tasks
74Future Ideas
75Future SMART Goal Actions
76Daily Action Planner
83About Personal Productivity
84About The Urgent Important Matrix Activity
85Which Quadrant?
86How does that Feel?
87What's getting in the way
88Self Sabotage
89How would life be different?
90What could you do differently?
91The Key Action
921-3 Actions
93Today I learned
94About The Interruptions Blaster Activity
95Recurring Interruptions
96A Closer Look
97Other details
98Taking Action: Interruption #1
99Interruption #2
100Interruption #3
101Interruption #4
102Interruption #5
103A Look at Bigger Actions: Action #1
104Action #2
105Action #3
106About Big Rocks Activity
107Most of your time
108Biggest Zap
1103 Priorities in Life
111Most Important
112Identify & Prioritise
113Read into it
115Easiest Changes
116Willing to change
117Smash the Obstacles
118What will you change
119Exercise Outcome
120About the Delegation Identifier Activity
123Not Very Good At
124Never Have Time For
125What do you notice
126Take a closer look
127Increase doing what you love
128What would you love to delegate
129Review the list
130What action will you take
131About the Action Priority Matrix
132What have you learned so far
133Quick Wins
134Big Projects
135Filler Tasks
136Hard Slogs
137Key Observations
138About Personal Effectiveness Tools
139Personal SWOT Analysis
144Boost Your Personal Strengths
145Strength #1
146Boost for Strength #1
147Strength #2
148Boost for Strength #2
149Strength #3
150Boost for Strength #3
151Personal Weakness Zapper
152Weakness #1
153Strategies for weakness #1
154Weakness #2
155Strategies for weakness #2
156Weakness #3
157Strategies for weakness #3
158Daily Success Habits
1593 Priorities
1603 Stressors
161Specific Daily Actions
162Implement these habits
163When will I implement
164Who do I need
165About life balance
166Expose you hidden time wasters
167Reclaim your energy at work
168What percentage
169Enjoyment Scale
170Any surprises
171Contribute to enjoyment
172Contribution to Misery
173Underlying Critical Variables
174Do differently to do better
175What would make a difference
176Reclaim your power and energy
177What to Let Go of
178What do I need to let go of
179Imagine letting go of everything
180What have I learned
181Business Tolerations
182What are your tolerating
183Pick ONE
184Take action