Youth Entrepreneurship Research Questionnaire
Dear Entrepreneur
Thanks for taking the time to complete this questionnaire for the research project titled: The development of an entrepreneurship propensity index, as a measure of new venture creation potential.
By completing this questionnaire, you are providing your consent to participate in the study. The results of this questionnaire will assist you in understanding more about your entrepreneurial personality profile.
Your details will be kept confidential and used only for the purpose of this study, which is being conducted in accordance with the UNISA research professional code of ethics.
The questionnaire consists of 2 sections and will take about 15 minutes to complete. Please answer all questions and be honest and truthful in answering each question.
A. Personal details – Here you will provide information about you and your business.
B. Entrepreneurship profile – Here you are given a list of 75 statements where you need to decide how strongly you Agree or Disagree with each statement. It is important to think carefully about each statement and to answer all questions, as it will impact your overall score and the accuracy of your results.